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Academic disciplines
- Accounting 7
- Art Education 1
- Art History 2
- Biochemistry 1
- Bioethics 1
- Biophysics 1
- Chemistry 1
- Classics 1
- Communications 1
- Criminology 1
- Culture 1
- Dance 1
- Ecology 6
- Economics 4
- Education 3
- Engineering 3
- Environment 2
- Finance 2
- Geography 1
- Graduate Studies 2
- Graphic Texts 2
- Healthcare 2
- Homelessness 2
- Humanities 1
- Law 3
- Literature 3
- Management 2
- Marketing 3
- Neurology 1
- Nursing 1
- Organization Studies 1
- Philosophy 2
- Psychology 4
- Social Work 1
- Sustainability 2
- Trailer 1
- Women's Studies 1
Episode 049: Giri Kanagaretnam
One way of getting companies to do something about climate change is through tax incentives. But what makes one company take advantage of tax breaks for green technology, while another company does nothing? This is a question Giri Kanagaretnam can answer. Giri holds the Ron Binns Chair in Financial Reporting, Banking and Governance, at the Schulich School of Business.
Episode 027: Public Scholars
Bettina Forget, Sylvie Ouellette and Erica Pimentel are members of the Public Scholars program at Concordia University in Montreal. They talk to us about the link between art and space science, how bacteria scavenge iron from their surroundings, and how accountants work with blockchain. We also talk about a problematic article in a chemistry journal.
Episode 019: Marcia Annisette
Prof. Marcia Annisette studies the accounting profession from an interdisciplinary perspective. She talks about the importance of having a PhD supervisor who is excited by the same questions that you are.
Episode 017: Prem Sikka
Emeritus Prof. Prem Sikka is a fearless accounting scholar. He talks about what it’s like to do research where you need to consult a lawyer before publishing your work.
Episode 014: Marie-Soleil Tremblay
Prof. Marie-Soleil Tremblay is a public sector accounting scholar who coaches media in Quebec on how to ask better questions about provincial budgets. Her work also looks at how diversity on boards of directors and audit committees makes them more effective. She says that simply forcing boards to include more women doesn’t fix the lack of diversity all by itself.