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- Women's Studies 1
Episode 050: Maxim Voronov
Authenticity. Corporations chase it. Consumers desire it. Maxim Voronov, Professor of Sustainability and Organization at the Schulich School of Business, studies authenticity in a business context. He breaks it down into two categories, traditionality and originality. Which one a corporation pursues depends on factors such as how large they are and how old they are. In this episode, host Cameron Graham talks to Maxim about his study of authenticity in the Canadian whisky industry.
Episode 049: Giri Kanagaretnam
One way of getting companies to do something about climate change is through tax incentives. But what makes one company take advantage of tax breaks for green technology, while another company does nothing? This is a question Giri Kanagaretnam can answer. Giri holds the Ron Binns Chair in Financial Reporting, Banking and Governance, at the Schulich School of Business.