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Academic disciplines
- Accounting 7
- Art Education 1
- Art History 2
- Biochemistry 1
- Bioethics 1
- Biophysics 1
- Chemistry 1
- Classics 1
- Communications 1
- Criminology 1
- Culture 1
- Dance 1
- Ecology 6
- Economics 4
- Education 3
- Engineering 3
- Environment 2
- Finance 2
- Geography 1
- Graduate Studies 2
- Graphic Texts 2
- Healthcare 2
- Homelessness 2
- Humanities 1
- Law 3
- Literature 3
- Management 2
- Marketing 3
- Neurology 1
- Nursing 1
- Organization Studies 1
- Philosophy 2
- Psychology 4
- Social Work 1
- Sustainability 2
- Trailer 1
- Women's Studies 1
Episode 013: Jen Gilbert
Dr. Jen Gilbert is a gender theorist and sex education researcher who studies bullying. As a leader of the Beyond Bullying Project, her research takes her into high schools where she works with young people to understand their experiences of bullying, and with schools to help them do something about it.
Episode 009: Debra Pepler
Prof. Debra Pepler studies bullying. Her direct observation of bullying in schoolyards has changed how we help children deal with aggression towards their classmates. Her work also examines dating violence and online bullying.