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Academic disciplines
- Accounting 7
- Art Education 1
- Art History 2
- Biochemistry 1
- Bioethics 1
- Biophysics 1
- Chemistry 1
- Classics 1
- Communications 1
- Criminology 1
- Culture 1
- Dance 1
- Ecology 6
- Economics 4
- Education 3
- Engineering 3
- Environment 2
- Finance 2
- Geography 1
- Graduate Studies 2
- Graphic Texts 2
- Healthcare 2
- Homelessness 2
- Humanities 1
- Law 3
- Literature 3
- Management 2
- Marketing 3
- Neurology 1
- Nursing 1
- Organization Studies 1
- Philosophy 2
- Psychology 4
- Social Work 1
- Sustainability 2
- Trailer 1
- Women's Studies 1
Episode 014: Marie-Soleil Tremblay
Prof. Marie-Soleil Tremblay is a public sector accounting scholar who coaches media in Quebec on how to ask better questions about provincial budgets. Her work also looks at how diversity on boards of directors and audit committees makes them more effective. She says that simply forcing boards to include more women doesn’t fix the lack of diversity all by itself.