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Episode 049: Giri Kanagaretnam
One way of getting companies to do something about climate change is through tax incentives. But what makes one company take advantage of tax breaks for green technology, while another company does nothing? This is a question Giri Kanagaretnam can answer. Giri holds the Ron Binns Chair in Financial Reporting, Banking and Governance, at the Schulich School of Business.
Episode 017: Prem Sikka
Emeritus Prof. Prem Sikka is a fearless accounting scholar. He talks about what it’s like to do research where you need to consult a lawyer before publishing your work.
Episode 012: Jean-François Mercure & Hector Pollitt
Dr. Jean-François Mercure is Senior Lecturer in Global Systems in the Department of Geography at the University of Exeter. Hector Pollitt is Head of Modelling at Cambridge Econometrics, an organization that makes economic data meaningful for policy-makers. Their work shows how different fundamental assumptions regarding the finance sector and the nature of money, lead to climate-change models with radically different results.